The lemon to lose weight, green coffee, a low calorie diet – which can still come up with a woman, unhappy with your weight, or to cause envy?

The diet of the lemon, is an example of the fashion trend in health. Let's try to figure out why the lemon is essential for slimming? What are the characteristics of the product allow you to get rid of unwanted pounds? To start the compilation of opinions in common.
- Lemon – a gold mine of vitamin. However, scientists have proven that the rosehips, kiwi, pear, not less.
- The lemon contains vitamin E, and vitamin A. The apples and carrots and vitamins, in alliance with other trace elements will be even greater.
- The copper, potassium, zinc, boron watch in limone truly the king's quantities. The citric acid and the aromatic essential oil complete the list of useful features.
- In the opinion of the indian yogis, lemon – the universal remedy.
The properties listed provide the basis for a large number of people make the withdrawal that the lemon for weight loss is required.
The food and lemon water
In all the variants of a lemon diet is present in the lemon water. The each day need of a lemon. From it squeeze the juice and produce a glass of warm water. Feels stomach discomfort, then you ideal more tolerant ways. Next, the most common of them. In a glass of warm water squeeze a few drops of lemon. How to do this? Lemon split in half. In a half make a hole with a knife and squeeze the juice. The water with Lemon juice for weight loss hectic. Cocktail ready. In a bottle with a liquid without gas water omit one or two slices of lemon. The bottle close lid and carefully the solution is shaken. This method is useful in travel.
In addition to methods helpful to simply fill in the lemon with boiling water and let stand for a few minutes. There is a temptation to soften the bitter taste of the drink honey or sugar. It is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, you will not learn how effective the lemon is a diet. Change the taste it will help the mint or melissa, added to the tea. How does it affect the lemon in weight loss and really help you to lose weight? In limone contains substances that help break down fat. The pectin takes you back to the normal level of sugar in the blood and improves the metabolism. The lemon for weight loss is required, as well as other fruits and Lemon for weight loss, vegetables for complete nutrition. However, you can do without it. The citric acid stimulates the digestion, reacts with the enzymes and helps to remove toxins from the body.
Regular use of lemon reduces the risk of diabetes. Like any tool, the method has no contraindications. Among them, the increase of acidity and, in general, the digestive problems. How does the lemon diet? The question is that absolutely all of the dishes are added to the pulp, rind or juice. This is useful for the immunity and health. If your regular food intake close to a healthy diet, the diet of the lemon is a little change. There are several diet options.
Main options and rules of lemon diet
- During the time of the preparation of any dish during the diet are the different components of the lemon. Roast the meat or fish? Drizzle them with lemon juice. Minced zest add and in soups and salads.
- Every day, squeeze in a glass of warm water, the juice of a lemon, and drinking on an empty stomach. After the procedure, be sure to rinse your mouth with a solution of soda, to eliminate the acid. The reception of a lemon water with empty stomach stimulates the activity of the stomach. It really eliminates extra pounds, but the lemon for weight loss harm the body damage. The lack of food in the union with the of a lemon water, cause gastritis and gastric ulcer.
- In addition to citric acid of water you should drink water without gas. Ideal to drink two liters of water per day, alternating a liter of water with lemon, a liter of routine.
After this diet are great the chances of hating the lemon and delete it from your diet for life. You don't have stomach problems, but have excess weight? Then, once in three months, make the stomach to discharge. Within 10 days, drink only lemonade homemade.